Saturday, October 28, 2006

Youth Radio Manual

Speak out, Make your voice heard!

It is remarkable how many different ways there are to set up and run a program for youth in radio.

There are projects with lots of staff and money and others with none; projects that are part of a station, projects that are part of a high school, and some that are independent.

There are young people learning to write commentaries, report the news, broadcast symphonies, produce radio dramas, host talk shows, stream audio, operate remote equipment, run radio stations.

In this manual you will find descriptions of many programs, sample curricula, information about equipment, additional resources, and stories about lessons learned, obstacles overcome, and challenges still to be met.

Let a Thousand Voices Speak is designed to share information about many projects so that community radio stations, high schools, non-profit arts organizations and community groups can start and grow their own youth in radio programs.

Let a Thousand Voices Speak is supported by the Youth Initiatives Program of the Open Society Institute

All Printed Copies are out of Stock. But, you can download the manual in PDF. Check it @

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